Pumping Supplies

Spectra S1 Supplies

Getting Started

The Spectra accessories kit that comes with the pump has everything you actually need. This setup got me through the first 6 months of exclusive pumping, and it’s compatible with the BabyBuddah portable pump I bought for going back to work.

If you’re working with a pre-owned pump and need to get replacements, the Premium Accessory Kit Replacement Parts available on the Spectra website is the most complete and cost effective option.

Ad-Hoc Replacements & Extras
(Ignore Until Something Isn’t Working)

Eventually, you’ll start to notice that the duckbill valves and backflow protector need to be replaced. Don’t worry about doing it on a set schedule; if you see the opening in the duckbill start to pull apart it’s time for a new one; if you start to notice a decrease in suction but the duckbill looks fine, it’s time for a new backflow protector.

Another possibility, especially if you end up exclusively pumping, is that you might want an extra set or two so you don’t have to wash them as frequently. It’s hard to know if you’ll want this until you actually start breastfeeding/pumping, so no need to add extra parts to your registry or purchase a bunch ahead of time.

I found the Maymom replacements on Amazon to be great, cheap, effective options.

Depending on your system, it may eventually be useful to pump directly into the type of bottle your baby takes. Charlie preferred Dr. Brown’s bottles, so I used these adapters with my Spectra flanges. There are a ton of configurations out there, so just Google the bottle/flange combo you’re working with.

Other Nice-to-Haves

  • Lacticups
    • These little cups sit inside your bra and collect milk that drips (or sprays) while you’re just walking around trying to live your life.
    • They’re especially helpful in the beginning when your supply is regulating, but I also found them useful when I was nursing and pumping to catch let down from the breast not currently in use.
  • Medela wipes
    • Honestly, I used these more for sanitizing restaurant high chairs and toys that Charlie dropped than my actual pump parts. Still though, it’s nice to have a pack to throw in your diaper bag for emergencies 🙂
  • Lansinoh breast pads
    • They were cheap and softer on my nips than the Medela ones.
    • The best piece of advice I got from one of my veteran mom friends was “Just buy the disposable breast pads”
  • Medela freezer bags
    • I liked that these stand up on their own.
    • I also found them least likely to rip.